Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Vintage Oak Chair

When I pick up a chair in pieces 
I always hope to bring home all the pieces. 

After sanding I repaired the back 
with an oak dowel, pinning the cross member in place.  Then cut and rounded it off. 

With the customary three coats of finish applied, another job completed. 

Tongue Point Navy chairs

History can be found in the oddest places.

In 1946 at the end of WW2 the navy was in need of additional moorage for what would become the mothball fleet. Tongue Point in Astoria Oregon was one such location.

The chairs are stamped with the government contract number 
along with the location to be used. The redwood stain closely matches the original color. 


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Green House Project Part #2

Once the top to the Green House
was complete.

 I framed in recycled 
sliding glass doors on each side.  

With the sides done I 
laid up the end wall.

The top pulled back down,
 now I just need to
make a door.

After ripping down some 
scrap wood I assembled then
stained the door. 

Coming a little short of clear vinyl 
I added a piece of 
green poly tarp then stitched binding
 around the panel before
stapling it to the door frame. 

The rest of the evening I spent 
rearrange the plants.

This should keep out the rabbits. 

  Stay tuned for
Green House Part #3

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mom's Wine Chairs

Mom noticed the sun had faded her favorite chairs, 
so it was time to try out a new look with a slip cover. She picked out the material she liked and to work I went.

When taking on a new project having prior knowledge helps.
I recovered them just over 15 years ago.

Making a slip cover is easy on square chair not so much with a barrel back chair.It can take several test fittings. 

In order to close the back I
hand stitched the panel


Adding a belt which finished it off.

Mom was very happy.

Victorian Print Slip Covers

There are times when the cost of upholstery exceeds the value of the chair. Slip covers are a cost effective way to update your furniture. 

When the chair's frame is straight and square it's a lot easier to manufacture a cover.

The Change can be

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Super Hero Chairs

I was looking for more projects to do so last weekend I hit a couple of garage sales. At one of the sales I found this set of ugly chrome leg chairs. As I loaded them in the truck it hit me, “can I make these look good or did I just waste my money?

The easy part was stripping them down. They did need new seat cushions, the old ones were to small and far to thin, so I cut out new wood bottom's and foam to match. Now they're ready.

The challenge was to use the material I have and still make them look good.
Once I was done I stepped back looked and said; I just recovered Superman’s chairs.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lady Rose

Lady Rose 

I found this beat up table at a friend’s secondhand store, it called to me“Help” it said; don’t let them throw me out.

It took several hours of sanding to uncover the beauty beneath the years of abuse and use.

I was very pleased to see the first coat of stain go on; it really is beginning to look good.

After the stain was thoroughly dry then comes the hand rub finish, not just one, or two, but three coats.

With the wood working done I chose a large rose that I think 
would finish off the look.

I think I chose wisely.
Just needs glass and it's off to be sold.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dads New Puzzle Table

 Dad seams happy with it, Happy Fathers day.

While foraging for a project to do, I came across the rusty frame of a folding card table sitting in a pile of junk just waiting for its last trip to the dump.  Doing some more scrounging, I found the perfect top which was originally used as part of a packing crate.

I gave the frame a quick sanding then shot it with paint and riveted to the table top. Needing additional support I attached some 1 x 3 in a box frame to the top and Ta-Da.

It really was turning out better than I'd hoped so instead of just painting it I decided to cover it with some vinyl.

First cut to fit then 
some custom stitch work

Staple down on the underside then,

                                                                   Ready for use


Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Green House Project

Recently I was helping a friend renovate they’re home.  
In the process I removed about 36 lineal feet of clear vinyl from they're front porch. I figured I could put it to good use, so I brought it home laid it out scrubbed with soap and water then hung to dry.

Like so many others you see through the countryside and even in some suburban neighborhoods is the skeletal remains from a 10 x 20 carports covered by old Poly-tarp. Mine was no different. 

Having the time with little to no money I went to work on mine.
I started by cutting up a new tarp and sewn it to the clear vinyl. The layout easily covered the garage floor and then some. 

Needless to say the more you sew together the heaver it get.  It was a lot to feed through the machine I think the next time I’ll move the machine to the center of the room.

 I took our yard skeleton and gave it some new skin. 
Once I was done I realized I didn't make a very good car cover but I did make a pretty good green house. 

The one thing I didn't anticipate was
the wild rabbits and deer
well, more to do tomorrow.
 It's been a fun weekend project.