Sunday, August 18, 2013

Schwartz Custom Craft "The Beginning"

Schwartz Custom Craft
Hi I am Terry Schwartz, founder of Schwartz Custom Craft. A few months ago a life long friend was over to visit, as we sat enjoying the outdoors and good conversation she noticed an airplane I had hanging in the tree. 
She asked what it was, I replied “it’s a whirly-gig that looks like a B-17 bomber”.

What does it do, she asked? 

It makes me smile I said. I smiled when I made it and I smile every time I see it turn into the wind and the propellers spin.

 That days conversation started with chit-chat then ended with the beginning of a new product line. 

              “The Pine Wood Air Force Collection.”

Now we cannot solve all of the worlds problems but there are simple things we can do that can bring joy to others. 

Create lifelong memories for children, enhance they’re imagination and promote healthy activities.

Wow all that from a wooden air plane? 

I say Yes.  I've designed several simple air plane kits that can be completed on your kitchen table.  
With a hammer, screwdriver and wood glue you can assemble your own “Pine Wood Air Force”. 

Imagine spending quality time with your child or loved one creating a work of art, a fun toy or just a good memory.

My best memories are of my father working in his shop and the smell of sawdust takes me back to when I was young.

Create your own memories.  

Let it be one day your child comes to you and says “Hey mom do you remember building that air plane when I was little? You remember the one we spread new paper over the kitchen table and we glued it together then sanded and then painted it. That summer I chased the dog with it until my arms got tired. Then we hung it in the tree. Is it still in the tree?

Here is a preview of the     P-51 Mustang. 


            More designs to come.

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