Thursday, July 3, 2014

Seth Thomas Mantel Clock

This mantel clock built by the Seth Thomas Co. (1920's)
was deeply loved by it's care taker for many years.
One fateful day while they're family cat
was skulking across the fireplace mantel the clock was
dislodged from it's perch sent crashing to the floor.

What was found were the broken remains 
of a treasured piece of family history. 

 Glass shattered, bezel bent, resonating base board 
splintered and the clock works itself damaged. 

As always having all the pieces broken or not
makes the difference in how the repair will go. 

Unfortunately the pendulum 
was not only broken but missing.   

 Using a .004 fealer-gauge and 
a steel rod I made one.

What also was bent out of recognition
was the winding's locking spring.
So from a coil spring  "left", I fashioned the 
part "center" then installed.
The three pieces on the right where the original part.

After much tinkering it works.
If you ever decide to try a home
repair my suggestion is not to 

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